Everyone Needs a Plan, What’s Yours?

6 Mile Man

Let’s face the facts. Mankind does not always do what’s best for mankind. Nor does he or she always do what’s in his or her best interest. After writing for years on the conversational taboos of sex, politics and religion, I’ve determined that men and women are emotional beasts. They follow their emotions 9.9 times out of 10. We do dumb things. Sometimes we do them over and over again.

Hey, I’m the first to be a little silly, but Forrest Gump may have said it best if he had said, “That silly is as silly does.” I could try to give my fellow man a break or I could start stone casting. But I’ve got other websites for all that. This is something different. It is inspired by mankind’s whining about the world. They forget this world is a miraculous place. Fortunately, most of us have the ability to make decisions in a world that requests a lot of ‘em. While we are universally weak in the decision making process, we can be stronger if we apply some discipline. This site is about demonstrating how simple some decisions could be, starting with physical fitness.

Why 6 Miles?

After training fitness instructors for 10 years and watching the fitness industry bounce from fad to fad of junk exercise programs and instant diets, I decided that after the last 10 years away from it and listening to all the gossip from bars to water coolers, it’s time for me to throw down the gauntlet. Starting at 234 lbs, on November 22, 2010, I decided to demonstrate that if one were to walk 6 miles a day for 30 days, most of us would lose our extra fat. My ideal fit weight would be about 190 lbs. Today, I took my first walk:

It was bitter cold outside and threatening an even colder rain. But this is California and I knew I would survive. After all, I was a man on a mission. Last night, I had been telling Sandra, a lovely and talented bartender at Crush 29 about how simple basic fitness can be. Actions speak louder than words. So I needed to show her, and everyone else for that fact, that I am not full of... blarney.

The shoes I chose were not perfect. I stepped in a few puddles from the recent rains and the suction of the cracks in the bottoms absorbed the moisture into my socks. My walk had sound effects. Fortunately, my route was fortuitous—Ross was only a slight deviation. There, without putting too big a dent in my pocket book, I bought new Avia’s for the walk back. They should last the 30 days. When I got back, the scale read 232 lbs. Water weight? Sure some of it. But I know the fat burning will go on long after the walk. I hadn’t taught aerobics for over 20 years, so I was out of condition for my project. Running might have broken the pavement and landed me in Rocklin’s jail. I figured that if I could do it, others, more disciplined than I, could do better.

The point is that you can buy all the fancy gym equipment, video tapes, CD’s and books on diet and fitness, but if you walk 6 miles a day for thirty days, you’ll save all that money, and see real results. Simple! So quit being silly. Quit fooling yourself. Stealing from Nike, “Just do it!”

30 Day Review

After working on this project for 30 days, mixing walks with calorically similar LifeCycle rides when it was rainy, my assumptions were not necessarily confirmed. I lost only about 6 lbs without really altering my eating habits. However, I also lost a few inches off my waist. In addition to the walks and rides, I did about 12 to 15 minutes in the gym doing upper body workouts for my back and shoulders, which incidentally, most folks don’t seem to realize also works the arm muscles in direct proportion to what the back and core muscles can handle. There’s no reason to waste time on leg exercises and bicep, tricep and deltoid isolations. For me time is very valuable.

I am continuing my workout program, but I think others would be wise to build up to the six miles gradually. That will save them some soreness and make the whole effort more enjoyable. I listened to ipod “iTunes U” programs like those on justice from Harvard. So I got an education along with my fitness. I finished at least one 12 week course there. My only expense was the better walking shoes. They’ll be good for at least another 30 days. Then, after a couple of months, I hope to be around 220 lbs and maybe adding a slight run to a shorter walk. As I pick up speed, the time spent on my workout should diminish. Since my muscle mass should be up to the workouts, there should be higher caloric use, even when I’m resting. I don’t recommending running to anyone else, but for me, running is a very fun activity that I used to really enjoy. Hopefully, thanks to my new fitness regime, running will be in my future.

After I accomplish the first goal, what could be next?

Step 2 - Simple Sex?
Step 3 - Simple Politics?
Step 4 - Simple Religion?

I have no reverence.

Best wishes towards a happier and more successful life.
-Michael Patrick Murphy, www.michaelpatrickmurphy.com

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